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Ask a question about Grant!
This section is for Hackett fans who has a question and can't seem to find a answer to it. Well, that's what the Hackett Online Team is for! Email Sharon for questions at and come back to this site within at least 48 hours to get your answer!

Q: I was just wondering if you could tell me if Grant is still going out with his girlfriend. Thanx. Amanda.
A: There are no current rumours about Grant breaking up with his girlfriend Tammy Semionov, so I assume that they are still a couple. (This information could be wrong) As soon as there are news about the relationship, you will be the first to know. Sharon.

Q: Do you know how Tammy Seminoiv's swimming is going? She doesn't appearon the list of competitors for Hobart - I thought she was a serious swimmer. Laura.
A: Please note that i do not know everything that goes on between Grant and Tammy as i am not her mother. Tammy has been battling an injury for some time now, so maybe that is why she's not racing in Hobart. Sharon.

Q: Did Grant really have 5 wisdom teeth removed? Why'd he end up with 1 morethan the rest of us? Laura.
A: There can be up to two wisdom teeth hidden behind the visible four in our mouths. For all i know, i have six wisdom teeth but two of them are un-developed and can course problems in the future. I believe that's the reason why Grant had five of his wisdom teeth removed to improve his health. Sharon.

Q: Hi, i was wondering if you could send me some info on what type of training Grant does to prepare himself for an event. Thanks. Theo.
A: Grant's training usually includes getting up at 5am, train for 2 hours, rest, then back at the pool in the afternoon at 3.45pm, then train until 7.30pm. And sometimes Grant does a gym session during the day.Before a event, Grant puts a bit more hours into training and basically he trains himself to control his mind, focusing on doing his best and not just to win. Swimming is a sport but it can also be an mind-game. I hope this information was what you were after :0) Sharon.

Q: Is it true that Grant has 6 fingers on his left hand? When I had my photo taken with him I thourght Inoticed it. Phil.
A: Grant is completely normal in everyway. Maybe the photo was blurry? Sharon.

Q:I was wondering if you could tell me if Grant has any special things he does before a meet(i.e superstitions) and also how he prepares physically and mentally before a meet? Thanx Amanda :-)
A: Have you noticed that Grant wears a ring on his little finger? Maybe its for luck? Before the race, Grant usually relaxs and "chills" out by listening to music and reading car magazines. Grant's aim is not only winning the race but also have heaps fun out there. Sharon.

Q: I just joined your fan club and i saw a photo of Grant with no hair! Since when has he had no hair and why did he do it? Amanda :-)
A: This photos was dated back in 1996 or 1997, one of those. Anyways it was an old photo and why he did it, i have no idea. I think it was in fashion back then? :P Sharon

Q: Hi Sharon, I was wondering if you could tell me what Grant Hackett's lung volume is. I heard it is pretty big compared to normal. Thanks, Peter Wilson.
A: Grant's lung volume is about 9.6 to 9.7 For his height and weight it should be around 4 or 5, so he has almost double it. Sharon.

Q: First of all I love the site and am very impressed by the number of photos you have available of Grant. My question is a simple one. Do you or anyone else out there have ANY (and i mean any) pics of Grant and his cars?? I'm a mad car lover, and Grant has a great collection of some of the toughest cars. If anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated and I would be very, very happy. Thanks. Belinda!
A: Thanks for the feedback. If you join the Grant Hackett Online Fan Club, there will be a few photos of Grant and his car. Sharon :0)

Q: On your Bits & Pieces page you have a photo ofGrant. You can see lines along his right rib cage. I've seen those on him in other shots on TV (likethe quick clips of him in an underwater shot when channel 9 has televised things like the Qantas skins). They look like scratches. Any idea where they came from?Laura
A: Grant got the scar from the all body suit back in the beginning of 2000 (i can't remember which comp). It was Michael Kilm's suit so it did not fit right for his body.Sharon

Q: Hi do u know if Grant Hackett has ICQ??? Zugec.
A: No, Grant does not have ICQ. Even if he has it, it will be private but Grant is a busy man, i don't think he even checks his emails! :) Sharon.

Q: What kind of music does Grant like, can you give any examples?ILovedaThorpedo.
A: Grant mostly like dance music and music from Aussie bands. One example i can think of at the moment is Garbage. Grant loves their album version 0.2. Sharon.

Q: Do you have any idea what Grant's girfriend, Tammy looks like? Lisa.
A: Here is a photo of her attached below. Sharon. (Sharon thanks Kerry Scott for this photo)